Bicton Park Botanical Gardens is fully privately funded. We have made long-standing and on-going international commitments to preserve the gardens and ensure the conservation and protection of many rare and endangered species of plants and trees and the cultivation of specimens from across the world.
Many friends of Bicton frequently ask if there is a mechanism to play a part in such projects and the Bicton Park Botanical Gardens Trust has been established for this purpose. We are grateful to contributors of the trust for their support and hope they in turn get pleasure from playing a part in preserving the gardens and the conservation process of many rare and at risk species.
Ways to contribute to the trust include:
Sponser a garden bench in an iconic part of the gardens, or sponser a swathe of snowdrops and crocuses.
Enquire for details at [email protected] or write to: Bicton Park Botanical Gardens Trust, East Budleigh, Budleigh Salterton, Devon EX9 7BJ
Display a plaque with your personal dedication on a bench for a ten-year period. Enquire for details at [email protected] or write to: Bicton Park Botanical Gardens Trust, East Budleigh, Budleigh Salterton, Devon EX9 7BJ
Donations on a one-off or regular basis can be made to our gardens development and conservation projects to help preserve these gardens for future generations. Legacy donations can also be specified to Bicton Park Botanical Gardens Trust.
Projects inspired by the gardeners for the gardens include:
Pinetum walk: An all-weather path through 16 acres of historical and nationally important conifers, many threatened in the wild. This path would allow disabled access to this wonderful and peaceful part for the gardens.
Support the Cedars: We have one of the largest conservation collections of Atlas Cedars in the world outside of their native Morocco. Assist their survival in the heart of our gardens.
The bank account details for the trust are:
Account: Bicton Park Botanical Gardens Trust
Sort code: 30-80-37, Account number: 4611163
We also take Tesco Days Out Vouchers at reception
Thursday – August 1st